About Me

Great to meet you here. The fact that you are discovering this website and want to connect is much appreciated. You probably recognize yourself as one who is awakening to the truth of your Being. You are in the right place to receive so much help, support and are invited to the joy of deep gratitude. The help the Universe provides in your awakening, is overwhelming and I love to be overwhelmed with you in this.


On a daily basis I am available to connect. To provide support, to join in light, to heal, to laugh, to dance and above all to listen and connect with you. Help can be asked for on this website through Whatsapp/email etc. See below and see “SERVICES” for more information.

Chat on WhatsApp

A little about myself

A quarter of a century ago (see YouTube video) I had an initial awakening experience and a whole new way of being present was given me. I was not able to function anymore as a human being, like I was used to before. I started to let Love guide me on a moment by moment basis. The development of this website, the YouTube channels, the events that are set up is part of that too. It evolves by itself. The only thing I do is listening and giving to that.

My personal life. I live in the Netherlands with partner and child, in a house, in a street. Love to make music, video’s and photographs. Love to travel and ride a mountain bike in nature.

Healing Services, Online seminars and E-learning

See the EVENTS page of the menu for the actual classes that are provided. My discovery is that giving and receiving are the same and happening at the same time. In that I can never experience lack of any kind and discover that I am provided for in a beautiful way. I am very grateful for everything that is revealed to me. Never hesitate to get in touch with me.. Thank you

Love always, Wim, Urtextacourseinmiracles.com



Get in touch?

Wim Haverkamp

The Netherlands