Podcast we use regularly to support the meetings, to give you essential background information to receive the full bouquet of what is presented. You can stream them here or download them on your device.

You can stream them here or download them on your device.

Miracle Mind

In Miracle Mind we use live talks of Master Teacher to deepen our experience. These talks are used directly and deeply in the meetings.

In the meetings we also use the Urtext Manuscripts of A Course in Miracles. The Manual for Teachers to be precise. Who is a teacher of God? What are the characteristics of the Teachers of God?

Seminar 1: Scripture of Resurrected Man

Part 1: Introducing A Course in Miracles, Master Teacher
Part 2: Introducing A Course in Miracles, Master Teacher
Part 3: Introducing A Course in Miracles, Master Teacher

Seminar 2: Can you hear this?

Listen or download here

Part 1: Can You Hear This? // Master Teacher
Part 2: Can You Hear This? // Master Teacher
Part 3: Can You Hear This? // Master Teacher
Part 4: Can You Hear This? // Master Teacher

Miracle Mind Meetings

PDF’s of the visuals in the meeting

Creative Mind Training

A Course Rap: Determination to C

Wassily Kandinsky: On the Spiritual in Art